R Wayne Steiger and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss changes in consciousness and frequency on Earth as the Sun moves into its 400+ year cycle affecting global crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. Terraforming, decreasing crop yields and how society is setting up for a massive transition.

R Wayne Steiger  YouTube Channel 

“The Steiger Perspective” Thursday evenings 10 PM EST on the Artist First Radio Network 

Our Original Interview “How Cold Adapt 2030” 

Light as a carrier wave and entities attaching or living in fiber optic cables Unveiling of 5G Global credit begins to lock up USDA giving false yield numbers to prevent global panic and give the perception of stability Perception of stability is worth more than the dollar value now Canned vegetable and fruit shortages Peas are the closest thing to animal protein that humans can consume China converts protein sources from pigs to fish because of African Swine Flu Freight deliveries of agricultural goods is greatly reduced 2019 American Medical Association study about Fluoride in water supplies What is Earth being Terraformed for? D-Wave quantum computers Quantum Conscious Computing

ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution Book  https://payhip.com/b/3sVi

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True Leaf Market Heirloom and Organic Seeds

My Patriot Supply Long Term & Emergency Food 



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