As I continue on my journey of leading the best life possible, a common theme seems to keep coming up time and again. EVOLUTION.

More specifically, it seems to be that it’s the Evolutionary Mismatch which is at the root cause of all our physical health, mental health and environmental issues we suffer with today. Through technology, power, money and the desire to control everything (including life and death itself), we’ve stumbled so far off the beaten track that we have alien-like new world views that ignore the prior 2 million years of human evolution. 

As a theme that has and will continue to feature as part of AdapNation’s messaging, we explore this idea of Evolutionary Mismatch with Dr. Stephen Hussey in this episode.


Stephen is an American Chiropractor, a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Health Coach and Author. He’s got an interesting story of suffering with many illnesses and auto immune conditions including Type 1 Diabetes as a young child, and how through his realisation to return to a lifestyle that nature intended that his health drastically changed for the better. What changed Stephen’s health was the eureka moment of realising he had a huge Evolutionary Mismatch in his current environment, lifestyle and nutrition...


If you want to develop your framework for understanding this key concept, want to know more about the value of proper movement as it relates to health, and would like some key takeaways on how to improve your wellbeing, then this episode is worth checking out. Oh, and if you like touching third rail ethically charged topics too… then you need to get involved!


Here’s what we discuss:

1️⃣ Stephen's myriad of health struggles from 2 years old, and how lifestyle and traditional medicine failed him

2️⃣ How Stephen addressed most of his illness and allergies through changing his nutrition and lifestyle choices

3️⃣ His Four Penny Dropping Realisations - Natural Selection, Homo Genus Lineage, Slowness of Evolution & Inability to Adapt to Rapid Environmental Changes

4️⃣ Equal human capability? - With the pressures of natural selection, is it right to expect equal opportunity and capability for every human?

5️⃣ Our obsession with avoiding death at all costs - Are we attempting to assume a divine role in nature? Is it realistic to have so many net-consumers?

6️⃣ Are we Devolving as a species due to our nutrition and lifestyle choices?

7️⃣ The Evolutionary Movement Disconnect - Joint nutrition deficiencies, Joint toxic-induced degeneration, reduced mobility, improper and insufficient motion

8️⃣ Practical tips on how to better align with our innate needs for proper human movement and align with our evolutionary biological preference

9️⃣ The tainted rep & real value of Chiropractic Services - exploring why the practice has been previously dismissed, and what the real role and value of Chiropractics is. Much more than adjustments...

🔟 A new Framework for evaluating lifestyle choices - Evolution. What have we evolved to do for the 99.95% of our history, prior to the industrial revolution?


Where To Learn More and Follow Dr Stephen Hussey:

▪︎ Website:

▪︎ Book: The Health Evolution

▪︎ Heart Health eBook: The Heart: Our most medically understood organ

▪︎ Social: Instagram & Facebook


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AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking

AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

AdapNation Instagram - To see what’s going on in our world across business, training and family

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#HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Weight Training blocks, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import

Steve’s Body & Mind Progress Journals - Follow Steve’s real-world progress, following all the principles within the Podcasts

AdapNation Website - Where you will find articles, videos and journals on all things wellness, training and mindset