Dr Jaime Seeman, aka Doctor Fit and Fabulous, who specialises in female health, joins us today for a scientific and personal discussion on why she strongly advocates for an animal-based low carb lifestyle. It’s a fun and informative interview!


Jaime is a OBGYN from Nebraska, who has seen tremendous physical and wellness results personally over the last 3 years by embracing a ketogenic lifestyle. 


In actual fact, it’s when she transitioned to a Carnivore(ish) diet the benefits in health, body composition and mental capability really took off. As well as her career online. 


Jaime does a great job of representing women in the male-dominated cross section of Keto, Carnivore, Bodybuilding and Functional Practioners. She offers a compelling and exciting insight for other women to explore, and is debunking many long held nutritional beliefs. 


In this episode, we get into Dr. Jaime Seeman’s personal journey, what she sees clinically, and her certainty behind advocating women to try out Low Carb, Keto and Carnivore style diets. We touch on some hot topics for many women around the globe, including pregnancy, hypothyroidism, post pregnancy, failed glucose tests, menstrual cycles cravings, concerns with plant-based and/or low fat diets, and much more. 


Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/123-dr-jaime-seeman/ 


The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020) 


Where to find DR JAIME SEEMAN and her work:

▪︎ Jaime’s Website - www.doctorfitandfabulous.com

▪︎ Instagram - @doctorfitandfabulous 

▪︎ Facebook - Dr Fit and Fabulous 


Third Party References:

▪︎ Dr Shawn Baker

▪︎ Dr Paul Saladino

▪︎ Dave Feldman

▪︎ Dr. Nadir Ali

▪︎ Deep Nutrition, by Dr Cate Shanahan



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