This episode will shock you! We have Rebekah Farmer on the show today, who is bravely sharing her lifelong struggle with her body, mind and gut rebelling against her very existence.


You name it, Rebekah has had it… it is truly unfathomable just how much biological abuse she endured over 15+ years.


Degenerative Disc, Insomnia, Depression, OCD, ADHD, Anxiety, chronic Acne, Osteopenia. Asthma, hives, IBS, IBD, Coeliac, chronic Lyme disease, Hashimotos, Colitis, Addisons, chronic C. Diff, Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Scleroderma, Slow Transit Colon, and more! Can you even imagine?!


Rebekah has battled with a systemic emergency for almost all her own life, with crippling pain, emotional trauma, medicated up to her eyeballs, and a body seemingly giving up on her. She was incredibly uncomfortable within her own skin, could not function normally, and weighed as little as 79lbs as a fully grown woman.


Fast forward to today, and Rebekah is completely off all meds. Almost every condition and symptom has disappeared. She is happy, strong, highly functioning and thriving. How?! Keto made a huge difference to her need for medication, but it was the Carnivore Diet that has had the most profound impact in her quality of life and health.


Sounds crazy right? I know. But, it sounds the same as Mikhaila Peterson's road to recovery on an all-meat diet. As well as 1000’s and growing cases online (such as MeatRX) of miraculous recoveries from modern diseases by taking this extreme and seemingly drastic course of action.


You’ll want to hear Rebakah’s story. Painful, encouraging… and truly fascinating.


Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - ‎


The #BeYourBest Journey : (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)


Where to find REBEKAH FARMER and her work:

▪︎ Rebekah’s Health Coaching & Personal Website 

▪︎ Instagram - @tailoredketohealth

▪︎ Facebook - Tailored Keto Health


Third Party References:

▪︎ Danny Vega

▪︎ Dr Shawn Baker

▪︎ Dr Paul Saladino

▪︎ Mikhaila Peterson



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