Regular legend-of-a-guest joins us again! This Podcast with Christian Thibaudeau is another paradigm-shattering discussion - this time about Optimal Training Modalities, Training To Failure, Overtraining and Maximum Natty Muscle Building Potential.

Christian Thibaudeau, with 25+ years lifting and coaching experience, has written the book on weight lifting for athletic performance and bodybuilding gains. With 535 articles on T-Nation alone, combined with extensive courses on his website as well as his muscle training camps, Christian is a leading authority in this space. It would benefit you to cling on to his every word!

In episode #103: How To Maximise ‘Natty’ Muscle Growth ~Paul Carter, Paul dropped some foundational tenets of muscle growth that was hard to swallow. It butted heads with many opposing views of muscle development, but it sounded both plausible, logical and backed up be many successful physiques. Christian and Paul are close friends and respected peers, as regular contributors to T-Nation. It turns out that they share may of the same principles of muscle growth, with subtle takes on a few sub topics. Ultimately, they converge on what they have seen to work for them and countless 1,000’s of other lifters. 

Well, think of this interview with Christian Thibaudeau as a part two to #103. We double click into some of the same topics, offering alternative perspectives with similar conclusions. It also extends the discussion on the detrimental effect of overtraining and how to know if you are overtrained.

We spend a lot of time unpacking the volume and training to failure debates, which is fascinating. We also cover Christian’s current training, his biggest training mistakes, and the most supported view on how much muscle you can add on to an untrained natural lifter’s body.

As always, this discussion with Christian is jam packed with science, logic and experience. It has the opportunity to fundamentally shift your approach to the gym and building muscle! It has for me… again!

So much so, that Steve has personally adopted Paul and Christian’s principles and is really enjoying their approach. We'll be sharing our Christian/Paul inspired Workout Plan in the upcoming DEC-19 #HyperWorkouts Workout Plan. Subscribe to the AdapNation Newsletter to get informed when this drops (early December 2019).


Enjoy your Training Mentality Upgrade in this episode!!!! #BeYourBest


Full Show Notes of what we discussed -


Where to find CHRISTIAN THIBAUDEAU online:

▪︎ Social for latest Insights/Info - Instagram (@thibarmy), Facebook (Christian Thibaudeau), Instagram (@Coach_CThib)

▪︎ YouTube - Thibarmy

▪︎ Website for Articles, Course, Tests, Guides and Training Camps and Online Coaching -


Referenced in Show:

▪︎ Christian New and Existing Training Programs -

▪︎ Hypertrophy Course and Strength & Performance Courses - links available soon (Nov ’19 and Dec ’20)

▪︎ Game Changers Documentary Review - link available soon (Nov ’19)




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