January 25, 2009 – ekklesia – Matt, 16:13-20; 18:15-18

For what the church is will determine what it does will determine how the church is to be organized. In other words: form follows function, function follows identity. So we must be clear upon the identity - the nature - of the church.

On commentator put it this way, “The interrelationship of the three aspects is clear. The church is. The church does what it is. The church organizes what it does. The nature of the church is based on God’s presence through the Spirit. The ministry of the church flows out of the church’s nature. The organization of the church is designed to support the ministry of the church.”

So today we embark upon a new sermon series, “Being the Church.” We will study that we might adequately answer this question: what is the church. For in answering this foundational question, all the other pieces will fall into place.