Previous Episode: 27
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Radio professionals from around the world gather at RadioDays Europe each year, a three-day conference all about the future of the industry. The risk with any conference is that you spend your time in a culturally-devoid alien bubble of city-limits conference centres and don’t get see any of the country that hosts it.

Luckily, that didn’t happen here! I spent Saturday 14th in Copenhagen with Paul and Meg from Fun Kids and Sunday in Malmö, Sweden before two busy days writing for RadioDays. You can read some of those posts on the RadioDays Europe website.

One of my favourite talks was from Denmark’s P3 about their show, Songwriter. Together and against the clock, a group of stars write a song inspired by a listener. Jonas, Songwriter’s host, jokingly said that the great thing about the programme is that all roles disappear as they try to create against the clock – ‘I’m no longer the host. You’re no longer the guest. We’re both fucked!’

This was my first trip abroad in two years and my second time at RDE. Destination and cultural experiences aside, I’ve missed getting on a plane! The wonder of seeing countries below you is always so profound. It’s a mini-overview effect I love to meditate on after a trip.

Probably triggered by bit of airplane window-gazing, I wrote a piece on my 27th birthday all about the importance of perspective and getting an ultra-wide view of what’s going on in the world. Call it a ‘new birth year resolution’ if you like.

I’ve been packing up my home these past few weeks ready for a move and in doing so have rediscovered The Minimalists podcast and have been moving to make all things digital. I purchased a bunch of digital books (I use Apple Books) this month including a Matt Haig book I’ve been meaning to read for a while.

Here’s a stand-out quote from that:

If you truly feel part of a bigger picture, if you can see yourself in other people and nature, if this you becomes something bigger than the individual you, then you never truly depart the world when you die. You exist as long as life exists. Because the life you feel inside you is part of the same life force that exists in every living thing.

Queued up to read this month, The Journey of HumanityBreath: The New Science of a Lost Art and You’re Not Listening.

I’m thrilled that Netflix hit Heartstopper has been renewed for seasons two and three. It’s vital that people see themselves represented on screen and this is a perfect example of Netflix getting it right.

I’ve also been oddly fascinated by the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial. On YouTube, it’s become something of a sport with countless YouTube channels streaming testimony with live, expert commentary. We can argue whether cameras in courtrooms are good or bad for justice but I’m left with a greater respect for the legal system as a whole because of this case. Watching it has opened my eyes to the inner workings of a courtroom, to how arguments are won and lost, and to how justice – the corner stone of modern democracies – is served.

If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got lots more to pack...

You’ll next hear from me on June 30th 2022.