We Are Adam CEO Richard Gahagan is joined by my2be co-Founder Adam Mitcheson, We Are Adam Operations Manager Leanne Scaletta, and copywriter Kimi Wright for a virtual Roundtable discussion about our recently released Whitepaper report, The Future of Work 2020.

The Future of Work 2020 was a partnership between We Are Adam and my2be to investigate the remote working revolution which was accelerated when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived on our doorsteps, the long-term effects that we believe will shape our working lives, and what this means for businesses and their people.

Covering all the topics discussed within the report, the key contributors expand on the research they uncovered whilst creating it, as well as insight and opinions from their own personal experiences. Some of the topics touched on include:

· The positive effects mentoring can have on all parts of a business, from diversity to progression

· Company culture, and the challenges of keeping it alive and well whilst working remotely

· The effects a remote or flexible working policy can have on a business and its employees

· What does a significant shift to remote work mean for the future of the office?

· Employee mental health and wellbeing whilst working remotely

And much more.