Nick Entwistle, owner and founder of the Bank of Creativity and One Minute Briefs, shares how a heart attack at 26 impacts your outlook on life.

In this reflective interview, Nick shares how he re-evaluated what was important when he had a life-changing heart attack at 26. The podcast urges listeners to consider whether their levels of stress are making them ill and reminds us that life is too short to be in jobs and situations that make us unhappy. Nick’s changed outlook is inspiring as he speaks of a new lease of life that enables him to be himself at all costs and chase his goals with tenacious focus, speed and authenticity.

One Minutes Briefs (OMB), which evolved from a small University project many years ago, has become a notorious platform for individuals to demonstrate their creativity and build their portfolio. In this podcast, we discover how OMB can become a way of life: improving time-savvy problem-solving skills and dynamic analysis. Nick discloses the beauty in using short time restrictions to reveal ‘cold thoughts’ which often leading to ideas that win awards and create the most effective campaigns. He also speaks about the importance of building your own brand and offers poignant advice for those looking to establish a successful career on the creative circuit.

Within this blog, you’ll discover more about how Nick plans to grow this community and the good causes they support by streamlining his business model to enable OMB the time it deserves to continue growing within the Bank of Creativity: Nick’s advertising agency that seeks to be a community hub of creatives from across the world.

Listeners should expect to finish this podcast with a refreshed sense of time – considering how much time we over think and what really matters at the end of the day.

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