Every time I interview somebody in the industry, I learn something new.  My conversation with Heidi Rew and Mike Stoudt was no exception.  Heidi and Mike are the co-founders/co-owners of Atlanta Voiceover Studio, which they opened in 2016. Not only do they run the studio, they are themselves full-time voiceover actors, podcast hosts, and on-camera actors. They have a YouTube channel with great videos that cover many aspects of the Voiceover industry and they also have an online training program at Provoiceovertraining.com. 

During our conversation we talked about several things, from home studio set up to key mistakes voice actors make.  What I loved most was their passion and enthusiasm for the industry and their craft. Heidi thinks, “the cool thing about VO is that all voices are needed.” But quickly adds, “it isn’t just about the voice.” Mike wants actors to know, “It’s a process, you’re going to fail and that’s OK.  Give yourself time to learn and grow.” He also says, “If this is what you want to do, do it.”  You can probably guess who voiced the NIKE ad.


Heidi Rew is a voiceover talent, actress, host, co-owner of Atlanta Voiceover Studio and former radio DJ. She can be heard in commercials for various companies, including Autonation, GE, Hallmark, Jiffy Lube, Build-a-Bear, Subway, and Belk, to name a few. 

Mike has more than 21 years experience in broadcast radio, with the bulk of his time working in one of the nation’s top markets, Atlanta, Georgia. He’s been a voice actor for about that long, as well. In addition to being a nationally recognized voice talent, he’s also worked as an actor since 2005. Whether it’s radio, film or TV, you might have heard or seen Mike at some point. His voiceover body of work includes promos for The Talking Dead (on-going), Warby Parker (on-going), NIKE, Sour Patch Kids, Budweiser, Monroe Shocks, and hundreds more.

Learn more about their classes, the resources they offer, and to listen to their podcast go to: 





To learn more about them: 



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If you want to chat or ask questions about the episode go to FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/446862949543735 and visit the group site. 

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