Susan Orlean is best known for her books The Orchid Thief, Saturday Night, Rin Tin Tin, and most recently, The Library Book, published in October, 2018. Now out in paperback, it’s a story she was compelled to tell about the largest library fire in US history and how it renewed a lifelong love and appreciation for the magic of libraries. 49 Writers Active Voice host and producer Katie Bausler met with Susan Orlean when she was the keynote writer at the 2019 North Words Writers Symposium in Skagway, Alaska. Original music by Liz Snyder and Alex Kotlarz.

Please subscribe and follow the 49 Writers Active Voice podcast on Apple, Spotify and And help spread the word by liking it on podcast platforms or sharing with friends and family. This conversation was recorded at KTOO Juneau. Music by Liz Snyder and Alex Kotlarz.