In this episode, I connect with Curtis Rogers, Co-Founder & COO of Parkade, for a discussion about innovative ways that communities can flip the concept of induced demand on its head to encourage active mobility and more vibrant business districts.

Curtis also shares a bit about his background in shared mobility and how his epiphany about the high cost of free parking came about while working at Lyft in San Francisco. He also takes us through how this new awareness led to an innovative solution to excess motor vehicle parking that actually has the potential of encouraging people to adopt active mobility options.

We also talk about why he moved from California to Austin, TX, his participation on the Austin Bicycle Advisory Council, and the pop-up Covid19 Healthy Streets installation in his neighborhood on the east side of town.

Helpful Links:

Austin’s Healthy Streets Initiative

Book: The High Cost of Free Parking by Donald Shoup, Vox article 

Parkade: Helping End Empty Parking Lots

Induced Demand 

City of Austin Bicycle Advisory Council

Newly Installed Congress Ave Pop-up Bike Lane video and article 

NACTO Covid19 Rapid Response Tool Kit 

Protected Bike Lanes Make Walking Safer Too

Strong Towns Podcast

War on Cars

Plaza Saltillo EndeavorRE site

Dom & Maggie Active Towns Podcast Episode - Avoiding Drinking & Driving

Four Easy Steps to Support My Efforts:

1. Become an Active Towns Ambassador by "Buying Me a Coffee" or by pledging as little as $1 per month on Patreon

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4. Pick up some Active Towns #StreetsAreForPeople Merch at my store


All video and audio production by John Simmerman


Clear Sky and Confident Beginning by Jeppe Sorensen via

Resources used during the production of this episode:

- My awesome recording platform is Ecamm

- Adobe Creative Cloud Suite

For more information about my Active Towns effort or to follow along, please visit my links below:

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Hi Everyone, my name is John Simmerman.

I’m a health promotion professional with over 30 years of experience and my area of concentration has evolved into a specialization of how the built environment influences human behavior related to active living and especially active mobility.

In 2012 I launched the non-profit Advocates for Healthy Communities as an effort to help promote and create healthy, active places.

Since that time, I've been exploring, documenting, and profiling established, emerging, and aspiring Active Towns wherever they might be, in order to produce high-quality multimedia content to help inspire the creation of more safe and inviting, environments that promote a "Culture of Activity" for "All Ages & Abilities."

My Active Towns suite of channels feature my original video and audio content and reflections, including a selection of podcast episodes and short films profiling the positive and inspiring efforts happening around the world as I am able to experience and document them.

Thanks for tuning in; I hope you have found this content helpful.

Creative Commons License: Attributions, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives, 2020

Advocates for Healthy Communities, Inc. is a nonprofit 501c3 organization (EIN 45-3802508) dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity. To donate, click here.

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