Celeste Mergens is a bestselling author, speaker, and
thought leader, and helps people recognize their strengths
and be the change they want to be in the world. She is the
founder of Days for Girls, a global award-winning
organization championing Women's Health and Menstrual
Equity. Days for Girls believes in a world where periods
are never a problem and has reached more than 3 million
women and girls in 145 countries, shattering stigma,
shame, and taboos and turning periods into pathways of
healing, new growth, and opportunity. Celeste is a
sought-after speaker. She has been featured in Oprah’s O
Magazine, Forbes, and Stanford Social Innovation
Review. She was awarded the AARP Purpose Prize,
Conscious Company Global Impact Entrepreneur Top Ten
Women, 2019 Global Washington Global Hero, and
Women's Economic Forum's Woman of the Decade. She
is happily married to her best friend of 40 years, Don
Mergens. They live in the Pacific Northwest.



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celestemergens
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celeste.mergens
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/celeste-mergens

Websites: DaysforGirls.org: https://www.daysforgirls.org/
CelesteMergens.com: https://www.celestemergens.com/