Alison Cork, MBE

Behind National Women’s Enterprise Week is author, columnist, presenter, and powerhouse in women’s enterprise, Alison Cork.
Awarded an MBE in 2023 for her services to female entrepreneurship, Alison has been a role model and champion to women in business for over 35 years.

After floating a publishing and mail order business in 1994, making her the youngest female founder of a public company at the time, she later founded the Alison at Home interiors brand.
Alison has seen firsthand the lack of female role models, starting her first business in the 80s – which ignited her passion for empowering women of today to consider entrepreneurship as a natural career choice and possibility. It was because of this core belief that Alison founded and funded Make It Your Business and from which NWEW was born.

As of today, Make It Your Business has seen thousands of women attend its free networking and online training sessions.
Also an ambassador for the British Library Business & IP Centre supporting start-ups and scale-ups (66% of which are female-led), Alison continues to help women nationwide of all ages to achieve their economic potential and financial independence.




@alisoncork_home (insta)

@alisoncork (Twitter)