What's your calling? Are you an entrepreneur looking to create your wealth but feeling stuck in the process? If so, the first thing you must be clear on is your calling and purpose to serve others. That is the only way you'll know how to create a scalable core offer and start building your own wealth. In this episode Corrina will tell you just why it's so important to have a core offer and the tools you need to come up with the right one. Tune in and hear how to craft an offer that will grow your wealth and turn you into a 7 figure CEO and beyond!


"Creating a sustainable core offer is the key to your wealth transformation" -Corrina Steward


On this episode:

The importance of a core offer Why do you need a core offer to become wealthy? Corrina’s personal experience with confusion about her identity when creating a core offer for her business How to create a core offer (Rule of thumb: Get rid of any plan B) Gathering up your wisdom to figure out your calling, plan, and what is required to find your core offer Reflect on what you do best!  Get crystal clear about your core offer, and go deep with it in order to grow your health Serve generously, and don't make your core offer about you


Connect with Corrina Steward: 

Website- https://www.soulwealthcoach.com/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/soulwealthcoach/ Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewcodeglobal/ Instagram- https://instagram.com/thenewcodeglobal