There’s a tipping point that we are experiencing now, and it’s for us to receive the Plasma Code!

In this episode, I want to share my vision and the powerful Plasma Code that can make a huge impact on your spiritual and physical body and your business. I want to share how the Plasma code came to me, what it looks like when activated in our bodies, and the decisions you must make to embody the codes. 

There’s also a powerful activation that you don’t want to miss! And if you want to join me in my new program Plasma, check out the link below!


“The Plasma Code is here, it’s available for you and there are going to be tipping point moments for you to receive it.”


Listen to the Episode:

Starting the episode with a powerful activation. What are the tipping points you need to look out for? How did I know it is time to share the new Plasma Code? What is the vision I have been seeing with the Plasma Code? When does the acceleration of the energies occur? What does the plasma do for you? How does your plasma body protect you from low frequencies? What happens if there are no longer barriers to the plasma codes? What are the decisions you need to make to embody the Plasma codes?

Links Mentioned:

You are invited to join me for Plasma, a 3-month journey of initiation into the living waters of your soul: 

Join the Activate Community here: 

Join the New Code Facebook Group here: 

Connect with me on Instagram @thenewcodeglobal 

Connect with me on Facebook at Corrina Steward, Soul Wealth Coach

Check out more Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: