What new money system do you need to tap into to create the wealth you deserve? How do you use this new money system for your business?

In this episode, I want to share the new God system money that can significantly change your wealth and your life. I will share my download and what this means for the new money matrix. I will also share how you can use this new money system to create the wealth and life you are destined to have.


“You have the light field and the light codes, which are the heart codes, and you can be activated in them through your unified heart consciousness.”


Listen to the Episode:

How is the real wealth shift being calculated in the new money system?

What is God’s new system of money and the doorway to God’s money?

How do you use the new money system to grow your wealth this year?


Links Mentioned:

Join the Activate Community here: https://soulwealthcoach.pages.ontraport.net/Activate 

Join the New Code Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewcodeglobal 

Check out Corrina’s Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/thenewcodeglobal/ 

Check out Corrina’s Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/soulwealthcoach/ 

Check out more Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: https://quantumwealth.libsyn.com/