Should you put a wall between wanting money and serving God? Is there a higher purpose to our mission of activating our money consciousness?

In this episode, Corrina shares her experiences and realizations about being a soul wealth coach and teaching that “money is God.” She talks about the misconception of connecting money to God and how you can create a new and deeper understanding of the deeper relationship between money and serving God. She also shares her amazing experience during her trip to Egypt and how it made her feel more connected with God.

“Money is the activation of 'yes,' an activation in your heart, and an activation of God. It is the bridge that can provide one’s mission and humble choice to serve God.”


Listen to the Episode:

Corrina shares her experiences teaching about the concept that “money is God.” 

How is a purpose different from a mission?

The importance of maturity and higher purpose in the new money consciousness.

What is the underlying and deeper concept of “money is God”?

How can saying “yes” be so powerful?

Are you willing to be a vessel to a God mission?


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