What does it mean to take a leap? How do you do it and what does taking a leap truly look like?

In this podcast, Corrina shares exclusive training where you will learn about taking a leap, surrendering, creating your own hero's story, and opening your soul to your quantum wealth. You will get to hear a beautiful activation that will help you get aligned in today's episode. You will get to hear her story and her journey of taking a leap. Make sure you listen to the end to get Corrina's invitation for you in surrendering, taking action, and making that leap.


“Do it from a space of surrender, because you come into a space of peace.”


In This Episode:

What this podcast is about and Corrina’s story. Corrina’s question and invitation for you to imagine what taking a leap will look like. Corrina shares her experience before she went to coaching. Corrina leads a beautiful activation, activating the power of the soul. What you need to know about spiritual initiation. What is the hero’s journey? How does it affect your own activation and story? Why you must surrender and what it really looks like? Corrina’s invitation for you to surrender. What happens when you access the surrender and your DNA to step into your hero’s journey. Corrina shares her tips on how to truly surrender and what happens when you’re just “hustling”. As you get in the flow, get into the feminine energy and assess what is it that you have been doing wrong. Look for the sandbags that are weighing you down. Corrina’s invitation for you to clip things that are no longer helping you and become receptive to taking inspired action. Corrina shares her own experience in clipping sandbags, surrendering, and taking inspired action.

Links Mentioned:

The New Code Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewcodeglobal