It’s almost 2022! As a soulpreneur, are you clear with your purpose? If not yet, what are the steps you can take to finally get clear with your higher purpose?

In this episode, Corrina shares a significant topic that can help you face the new year with a clear purpose in your business and your personal life. She will share her thoughts on what money is service like. Corrina will share the steps on how to look out for signs that can help you begin your journey to discovering your purpose. You’ll also get to hear additional tips and amazing experiences that Corrina has in discovering her own purpose.

“Notice what you're being called to do. If you're not noticing then likely you're either not being daring enough or risking enough.”

Listen to the Episode:

Corrina shares her thoughts and what inspired her to share this episode.

What does "Money is Service" mean?

Step 1: Ask if you are on the right path.
Step #2: Notice where the signs are pointing you.

Corrina shares her personal experience with synchronicity in her business.

Step 3: Take action.

Corrina shares some more tips on how you can go faster with discovering your purpose and your wealth.


Links Mentioned:

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 Check out other Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: