What’s your money goal this week? What are the steps you are taking to help you achieve your money goals?

In today’s episode, Corrina shares her steps in closing the money gap and creating wealth for her business. These steps are proven, practical, and also consist of energetic shifts and tools. She will share how each step will change your money mindset this week and in the future. She will also share some awesome investments she made and why it makes sense to make long-term investments.


“Challenge yourself to create more.”


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Corrina shares what she aims to achieve this week and the steps she takes to make her goal possible.

Step #1: Clear any energy leaks within a deadline.

Step #2: Create a space and be super intentional.

Step #3: Write a list of how money can come in.

Corrina shares her thoughts on why it makes sense to invest on cryptocurrency and metals.

Step #4: Always leave room for the mystery and pray from a place of who you are.

Corrina summarizes the steps to help you close your money gap this week.


Links Mentioned:

Join the New Code Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewcodeglobal 

Check out Corrina’s Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/thenewcodeglobal/ 

Check out Corrina’s Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/soulwealthcoach/ 

Check out other Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: https://quantumwealth.libsyn.com/