How do you commit to your soul-aligned business? How do being rooted, life clues and bridges help you in getting truly committed to your calling?

In this episode, Corrina shares her own experiences that helped her in her true calling. She will share what the timeline shift we experience today means for soulpreneurs and coaches. She will share what being rooted may look like and what you may experience when you truly get rooted and committed. Corrina will share some important questions about commitment and your abundance. She will also share her beautiful experience in Puerto Rico, her retreats, and crossing bridges. Make sure you listen to the end for another beautiful activation that will help you in committing to your soul-aligned business.


“Your calling will ask you to do things that you don't want to do. And you need to stand rooted in your decision.”


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Corrina shares what this episode is all about and why this is special.

What is a timeline shift and what does it represent?

What the second half of the year will look like.

How does being rooted affect you and your business? How do you get rooted?

Corrina shares how you can truly be abundant, where it comes from, and what inspired Corrina.

Corrina shares her experience on life leaving clues for you and how she started her abundant business.

Corrina shares important questions that can create a difference in your abundance and your business.

Corrina shares her experience with her retreats and a special bridge.

What is the bridge that you must cross to get to your abundance right now?

Corrina opens up the doorway to your bridge with an activation.

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