The world is shifting into a new code of activation, can you feel it, too? How do you get into this shift and start enjoying the true wealth you deserve?

For the past months, the world has been riddled with scarcity, chaos, and mediocrity. Business owners are starting to panic and the poverty consciousness is setting in. In this podcast, Corrina shares how she started her awareness and how this activation of overflow helped her reach her true wealth. She also shares the stages of awakening your soul’s true awakening and wealth.

Listen until the end to experience an activation of your overflow, reset, and true wealth with Corrina!


“It’s normal to have extraordinary results not only in your business and having overflow. It is the reset and how we are created to be.”


In This Episode:

Why Corrina wants to share her amazing view on the anti-wealth in this time and how to thrive in the world’s financial reset.

Corrina shares her awakening into her wealth and her chapters of coming into her awareness.

What is true wealth?

Corrina shares the stages of awakening to your soul’s wealth and your true wealth.

Stage 1: Reshaping your mindset and your consciousness to let wealth in.

Stage 2: Acknowledge your wealth.

Stage 3: Expecting anything less than living a wealthy life is a mediocre life. Overflow is the reset you need.

Extraordinary is the new normal.

Corrina shares her activation so you can experience your overflow and your reset.


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