How do you activate your wealth frequency during these days? What are the steps you need to take to open your soul to the New Money Code?

In this episode, Corrina shares the frequencies of money and how you can step into your infinite wealth. She will share how each frequency of money will look like. Corrina will share her story on how she discovered the New Money Codes and how it shifted her life and her business. Corrina will open this episode with an activation that will allow you to get anchored and shift your money mindset, so listen in and enjoy!


“You shift, move, and flow with where you are meant to be without resistance.”


Listen to the Episode:

Corrina shares what this episode is all about.

Corrina leads an activation or a guided meditation that will help you get grounded.

The truth behind money and how Corrina discovered the new paradigm of money.

How Corrina discovered what purpose really is and how money is love.

What happens when you choose to trust?

What is the wealth ascension pyramid?

What does money as service means?

What happens when you unlock the next step - money as love?

What does Money as Truth mean?

What does Money as God mean?

How do you shift into the frequencies?

Corrina shares an important question you need to reflect on.

Corrina shares a chart that focuses on the body’s frequencies.

Where would you like to be and what are you willing to open up to?

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