Previous Episode: Being more human

Happy Podiversary on the 52nd edition of Activate Your Introvert

In this week’s show………

A summary of some of the leadership advice that's been covered this year Introvert myth of the week: Introverts just want to be alone An interview with Vicky O'Farrell. Vicky is known as the queen of behaviours and specialising in working with people on the profiling system DISC. She’s one of the most popular guests on the show in the last year, so I invited her back to celebrate the first podiversary Vicky's website is

Introvert myth of the week

Introverts just want to be alone. Not only is it wrong, it's bad for everybody. Here's another myth to go into the bin.

Happy Podiversary on the 52nd edition of Activate Your Introvert

In this week’s show………

A summary of some of the leadership advice that's been covered this year Introvert myth of the week: Introverts just want to be alone An interview with Vicky O'Farrell. Vicky is known as the queen of behaviours and specialising in working with people on the profiling system DISC. She’s one of the most popular guests on the show in the last year, so I invited her back to celebrate the first podiversary Vicky's website is

Introvert myth of the week

Introverts just want to be alone. Not only is it wrong, it's bad for everybody. Here's another myth to go into the bin.