This episode dives into the topics of community engagement (social capital), and how Run To Win camps are about getting involved in the community. We have guest Robert Mitchell M.D. (aka Doc) on to discuss his involvement with the community and the importance of being prepared as a community. Teamwork is an important part of the game, and we are all responsible for being ready when our number is called. God does the same thing with His plan for us, sometimes we have no clue what is up around the bend but he always has a plan for us, we just have to be willing to be used as an instrument for His work.

This episode dives into the topics of community engagement (social capital), and how Run To Win camps are about getting involved in the community. We have guest Robert Mitchell M.D. (aka Doc) on to discuss his involvement with the community and the importance of being prepared as a community. Teamwork is an important part of the game, and we are all responsible for being ready when our number is called. God does the same thing with His plan for us, sometimes we have no clue what is up around the bend but he always has a plan for us. We just have to be willing to be used as an instrument for His work. We are all pieces to a puzzle that is unfinished and God wants us to be ready to get into the game. It is when we realize we are apart of something bigger than ourselves that His plan starts to make more sense. There is always a bigger picture, and God sees it all. We hope this podcast empowers you to know how much God loves and cares about you. He loves you so much that He has a plan for your life and He has given you the necessary skills to do His work on this earth!