Full of gems for any business owner looking to maximise the value of your business. John Warrillow is the master at explaining the eight key drivers that potential acquirers would look for when deciding just how they would value your business.

John is a best-selling author, serial entrepreneur and founder of the Value Builder System, a unique method of examining your business and identifying the key areas where you can add value.

If you want to know what to look for and what pontetial acquirers might look for, then listen to this podcast.

Also, as a gift to you, if you would like to take the Value Builder Score Questionnaire, then just click this link and it'l ltake you around 15 minutes to complete. We'll then arrange for a follow-up call to give you the report. https://bolton.actioncoach.co.uk/about/increase-the-value-of-your-business/

We also have a Value Builder Freedom Workshop coming up soon. JUst drop us a line at [email protected] to be added to our waiting list.

Enjoy the show.