I have had such a negative attitude towards "resting jobs" that has not helped me move forward. I talk through the thoughts I've had recently about finding the right "resting job" for you and applying a positive attitude to whatever that job may be. Resting jobs are more important than I've given them credit for in the past. They are a helpful boat that keeps us afloat in the harder times and I certainly need to learn to be more grateful for whatever that job at the time may be. It also just helps get me into a routine and getting up early and having an early night and a good rest, so that when it comes to a day when you don't have to do that job, you are still able to get up early, crack on and rest well etc. So I need to be more grateful for these jobs, find the right ones for me and use it as a device to keep me disciplined and proactive. My counseling ended last week but it did end on a high and give me a little gem to take away. I've spent a lot of my life worrying about what people think of me and trying to "get it right" this hinders my acting, my comedy, my writing, my pod, my relationships with friends and family and many other things. I've been so busy trying to "fit in" that I've completely ignored my self and who I am, which at the end of the day, is all people want! One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is that I let go of my love for and obsession with Hip-Hop. Writing a silly fun song for my mum on her birthday, I had so much fun and remembered that that was a huge part of me and still is a massive part of who I am so if I can put that into my work somehow I will be a happy bunny, as they say.

Find the things you love and what makes you YOU. Don't be afraid to be that version of you in the work that you do. ENJOY!