All sorts of exciting drunken stuff going on! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 

Lewis has decided to write about himself in the third person to make it look like he has a producer for his podcast.

Lewis chats about being hot and drunk and he also touches on how he has replied to everyone who wrote to him and that he's had a great idea about getting listeners more involved! 

He shares his plans to take a show to Edinburgh and wonders what you guys think about him sharing that process with you... He thinks he's late to the game, which we've all heard him saying there is no such thing as... so basically he's a hypocrite. 

Now he's having doubts about this whole third person thing and even doubting whether he spelt whether right and if he even knows what the third person is... Google doesn't help really cos its one of those questions that's a bit difficult to write down... NOW... he knows he's taken it too far but secretly thinks it was bloody hilarious and cant wait to do it again next week!