For any woman entering the third stage of life….
For anyone who knows and loves a woman entering the third stage of life….
From anyone who has failed and rebuilt, struggled and learned, self-soothed by binging and then healed and helped others….
For anyone who loves a good reinvention story, an empowerment story - boy do we have the podcast for you.

Meet the perceptive, adventurous Kathy Elkind, an Eating Psychology Coach, a Teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and owner of Elkind Nourishment. Kathy helps women feel their emotions instead of eating their emotions and feel comfortable in their bodies. Adventurous by nature, hear about her travels and reinvention and her encouragement for women to grow into their next great act. In the podcast, Kathy shares her grand adventure of spring of 2018, at the age of 57, Kathy Elkind walked the Grande Randonnée Cinq (GR5) with her husband of 27 years. The 2,286K (1,400-mile) journey started at the North Sea in The Netherlands and continued through Belgium, Luxembourg, and the whole length of France through the Alps to end at the Mediterranean in Nice.

Tune into learn about the Queening ceremony she believes everyone woman deserves to experience. Kathy also candidly shares her experience being dyslexic and the long journeys to understanding this as a strength after wading through years of unhappiness, shame and emotional eating to self-soothe.

Highlights include:

“So many of us also weren't taught how to deal with our difficult emotions in life. And we all have difficult emotions and being vulnerable and learning to hang out with your difficult emotions and not freeze up, or, or reach for cookies and numb.”

“There's sort of the traditional archetype, the princess, the mother, and then the crone. Well, after we've been mothers, nowadays, women are living a lot longer. And, and it doesn't have to be a mother of children, it can be a mother or a career and things. So, we're incorporating all women. But when you get to be 50, and you're going through menopause, you know, you don't want to be Crone, we're not ready for old age yet. Donna Hentz was the first person who I read about this. She stuck in the word queen to add another archetype. And so the idea is that when you get into your 50s, you've lived a long life - and so let's embrace our wisdom and embrace this body that's shifting and changing, and use this wisdom and step into our power.”

“Stay open to the possibilities because you never know where life's gonna take you and just stay open to all the possibilities. And many, many of us have taken mindfulness or done yoga and, and I kind of felt like I had done all of that. But, it wasn't until I went on the walk that I really used it so much.”

More Information about Kathy Elkind:

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