Happy 2014 gang! Welcome back to Across the Airwaves' very own LONGBOW HUNTERS: THE ARROW PODCAST! Remember us? It's okay if you don't, we've been gone for a while, but we're back and we're here to stay, at least for now!

Due to Michael being in Israel for two weeks and Woo being a bit under the weather, we got a few episodes behind in our coverage of our favorite show on television. Therefore, on this episode, the Dynamic Duo returns to cover the mid-season premiere of Arrow - Season 2 "Blast Radius" as well as the following two episodes "Blind Spot" AND "Tremors"!

The guys also cover the trailer to the next episode of Arrow entitled "Heir to the Demon", though unfortunately due to all the episodes needing to be covered this week, the guys did not read Twitter's thoughts on the last few episodes. Sorry guys. Anyway, be back next week for our next episode of the Longbow Hunters Podcast!