January 29 marks a tragic day. It was on this day in 2017 that a shooter barged into a mosque in Quebec city and massacred 6 worshippers. The shooting left 17 children fatherless, 6 women widowed and one man paralyzed for life. We also lost a first responder to the trauma of this attack. The Govt of Canada declared Jan 29 as the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia. The shooter was fueled by Islamophobia and his deep seated hate of Muslims.

To get a deeper look at the trauma and everyday aggressions faced by Canadian Muslims, I talked to Reyhana Patel from Islamic relief Canada. To commemorate the Quebec city mosque victims, IR has released an extensive report called ‘In their words: Untold stories of Islamophobia in Canada’. The report explores first-hand accounts of victims of Islamophobia, including one from Aymen Derbali, who was left paralyzed in the mosque attack. Apart from these heart breaking stories, the report also includes recommendations on how readers can appropriately respond to Islamophobia and be an ally against hate.

Reyhana is Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic relief Canada. She was also a broadcast journalist and producer at the BBC. She was also named one of Apolitical’s Top 100 Influencers in Gender Policy in 2021.

Report Link : https://www.islamicreliefcanada.org/what-we-do/research/

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Music credit: The Introvert - Michael Kobrin