Raw, inspiring, and humbling- Rabia Khedr’s story is something we would like to make recommended listening for everyone.  

Rabia Khedr has been blind since birth but that has not stopped her from becoming a super-achiever. 

She has spent the better part of her life advocating for people with disabilities and for racial equity. She has founded Diversityworx and DEEN Support Services- both that help her serve the people she represents. She is also a founding member of CAM-D- the Canadian Association for Muslims of Disabilities. She has been the Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Executive Director of the Muslim Council of Peel. She even ran for public office!

While all these are great accomplishments in themselves, this spirited mother of four wins you over with her humility and sense of humor.

Follow her on Twitter:  @RabiaKhedr

For links to her work:

DEEN Support Services: http://www.deensupportservices.ca

Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities: https://camd.ca

Diversityworx: https://www.diversityworx.com

Do send in your comments or feedback about this episode by tweeting them to @acrosshertable or e-mailing them at [email protected]  or send us a voice message at http://www.anchor.fm/acrosshertable/message Don't forget to follow Across Her Table on Instagram @acrosshertable (https://www.instagram.com/acrosshertable) Music credit:  'Storybook' by Scott Holmes & 'Once Upon a Time" by Audiobinger