This episode features Larry and Perry Yu, the founders of High Converting Ads.

Larry Yu

Twin #1. Online Entrepreneur with close to a decade of experience. Bootstrapped dorm room e-commerce startup to over 100K/mo before selling it to a private buyer.

Perry Yu

Twin #2. Digital marketer with a specialization in copywriting and paid ads. Written copy for multiple 6 figure campaigns and launches. Managed over $60K/mo in ad spend profitably on Facebook.

Larry and Perry share their personal experiences on how they hustle in running their business, and at the same time helping various businesses generate more sales. With their expertise in online marketing, they now share to the world the secrets of scaling facebook Ads.

Pay attention to the words of wisdom from the twins as they discuss how high converting Facebook ads can help your business grow.

Episode Highlights

Reasons why Larry and Perry started High Converting Ads

Who are the people they work with?

The new trends in advertising on Facebook

How To Handle campaigns using the High Converting Ads way

1st success story: A business selling an 8-week coaching program

2nd success story: Facebook Messenger ads for  a local business

3rd success story: E-commerce using video ads and pre-sale pages

Learn how to run Facebook Ads to accelerate the growth of your business.

Plan to sell before you actually sell.

Having continuity in your business can increase your valuation.

Business Operating procedures can attract buyers.

Turn your expenses into profit centers.