Stephen and Jody interrogate Jermaine about his arial adventure to Boston Comic Con! Then the guys do their best to put the 3-D cover allocations for DC Villains Month and the career of J. Michael Straczynski into perspective before serving up a heaping helping of Comics at the Table, now with 200% of your weekly dosage of second issues!

Show Notes:

"DC's Villains Month 3D covers to be allocated; retailers to be aggravated" at Comics
CORRECTION! Kieron Gillen's Thor fill-in story was called "Latverian Prometheus" not "Iron Prometheus" and ran through Thor #604-606, just three issues rather than the stated four.
Jermaine's e-mail address, [email protected], for everyone that would like to enter the contest!
We forgot to talk about Hunger #2!
Comics at the Table! - Superior Foes of Spider-man #2, Burn the Orphanage Born to Lose #1, Sidekick #1, Ten Grand #4, Satellite Sam #2, Sheltered #2 and Trillium #1!