Better late than never again! Jermaine, Stephen and Riley are back with a vengeance to answer the Indoor Kids' call, go over all of the new books announced at the ImageExpo, provide advance reviews of Batman '66 and Collider, and lead us all in a lively session of Comics at the Table!

Show Notes:

Elm St. Center photos on Jermaine's Instagram! Get an idea of what the framework of Comic Book City Con will look like!
The Indoor Kids podcast on, specializing in video games!
The movie Joe said Stephen should lose his nerd card for having not seen was Unbreakable!
"Image 2013: New Comics From Brubaker, Epting, Remender, Straczynski, Sienkiewicz, Aaron And More" at Comics
"Image Comics Now Selling DRM-Free Digital Comics From Its Website" at Comics
Batman '66 and Guardians of the Galaxy Tomorrow's Avengers' "Infinite" Comics on Comixology!
"Like" Acme Comics Presents on Facebook to keep up with all of the latest reading events!
Comics at the Table! - Satellite Sam #1, Superior Foes of Spider-man #1, Catalyst Comics #1, Avengers A.I. #1, What If? AvX #1, Batman Incorporated #12 and Legends of the Dark Knight #10!