My eyes seem to tell me a story. In that story are good people and bad ones. Beautiful sights and ugly ones. Happy experiences and sad ones.

In this story, I sometimes see myself as a victim. An innocent bystander impinged upon by the challenges of life. But it’s just a story. A child’s tale.

As we read in A Course in Miracles: “What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking reflects your choice of what you want to see. Fear has made everything you think you see.”

The story’s narrative comes from our mind. And in our mind, there are only two choices: ego or presence. That’s it - the ego mind or the mind of presence. But from this choice come two completely different worlds. The world of the ego is the one we most often experience. It’s a world made by fear. A world of duality. A world of separate interests. A world of hate, scarcity, and sadness. Hell.

But the other world is its opposite in every regard. From the mind of presence comes a world of joy, abundance, and peace. Unconditionally. Independent of anything anyone says or does. Independent of what’s going on with our body. It’s a world of incredible happiness. Heaven.

In the wise words of the Course, “Seek for the one; the other disappears.”

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