Looking is one of the most prominent themes in A Course in Miracles. In fact, the book could easily be called "A Course in Looking."

But, like so many other things in the Course, there is another interpretation for the concept.

Looking does not mean seeing with our eyes. In the same way, vision is not about what our eyes see. Looking has everything to do with observing our thoughts - and, ultimately, understanding our mind. Or, more specifically, which mind we've chosen.

So, today's lesson of there being another way of looking at the world means that we carefully consider our thoughts regarding whatever we see with our eyes (or any other experiences our senses report to us).

It is our thoughts that lead to the emotions we experience. So as we practice paying attention to our thoughts, we get back to the source of how we feel in every moment.

Whenever we're not happy or not at peace, this lesson is telling us that there's another way of looking - which in this case would mean looking with our right mind instead of looking with our ego.

Our thoughts will always tell us which mind we've chosen. So let's practice paying attention to our thoughts in order to have more peaceful experiences.


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