Previous Episode: Resistance: The Moral Fight

Welcome to the new series by Achtung! History and Simon J. James. This time we take a look at the Reichstag, the German parliament building famous for the fire that gutted the building on the 27th of February 1933 and catapulted Hitler into dictator. At least that's what history classes teach us. The truth is, Hitler's ascent into dictator had begun within the first few days of coming to power and the Reichstag was an opportunity to be exploited. So join Simon in discovering those 28 days from when Hitler came to power and the Reichstag was found in flames, before, in the coming episodes, we look at the day of the fire, the fallout and its lasting legacy, before looking into how the fire was treated in the National Socialist period.

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Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and presented by Simon J, James. You can follow Achtung! History on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.