When the new year hit, were you relieved that 2020 was finally over? As the craziest year in human history came to a close, people were hit with a dose of reality... nothing is any different! Just because we’ve flipped our calendars doesn’t mean things have all gotten better. Chances are, 2021 will even crazier!


A lot of people let the uncertainty of 2020 get in the way of their goals. Their vision was shaken because of massive amounts of sudden change. In 2021, it’s critical that we don’t let our environment influence our goals & vision. Tune in this week to hear Andrew & Luke talk about sticking to your vision in 2021, facing all the craziness of our current reality, and why 2021 will probably be even crazier than 2020.


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00:19- Intro

03:00- The mission of ACE Weekly

08:00- What is going on right now?

12:00- The problem with social media censorship 

18:00- Your life moves on

23:00- Play your own game

27:00- Uncertainty breeds opportunity

29:00- Stay connected with your vision

31:00- Influence your environment

37:00- Struggling with finding your vision

47:00- Focus on what you want