Unlock the secrets of safeguarding and growing your wealth as Richard C. Wilson, the #1 expert on Family Offices, joins me, Jonathan Tuttle, on a fascinating exploration into the exclusive realm of personal wealth management. With helping over 200 Family Offices under his belt, Richard lays bare the critical strategies and insider knowledge essential for high-net-worth individuals, post-liquidity events, top-earners, or those anticipating significant inheritances. This 14 part mini-series isn't just about learning; it's an investment in bypassing million-dollar pitfalls and leveraging tools that place you leagues ahead in the art of preserving and enhancing your fortune.

Throughout this compelling series, Richard navigates the nuances of establishing a Family Office—an endeavor far surpassing the offerings of standard wealth management firms. Whether you're stepping into this domain for the first time or seeking to refine your existing wealth management blueprint, our discussions are tailored to transform your understanding and amplify your financial acumen. Embrace this opportunity to access a wealth of expertise that promises to elevate your approach to asset management, aligning your financial legacy with the pinnacle of security and growth.

This is part #1 of 14 in the creating a Family Office mini series. Download the entire mini-series!

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The Family Office Club was founded in 2007 and has now become the world's largest association in the industry with over 4,000 registered ultra-wealthy investors-Richard C. Wilson is the partner of the Accredited Investor Podcast:

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