Can you imagine scaling your business up to $100 million? Join us as we engage in a riveting discussion with Richard C Wilson, the Founder of the Family Office Club. We'll unearth strategies that industry titans like Mark Cuban and Elon Musk stand by, such as the power of effective communication through emails and the essence of building genuine relationships.

In this episode, Richard reveals five key insights culled from his own experience of writing over 150,000 emails in the past 15 years. Learn how to master the art of brevity, add value upfront and remember that no one owes you a reply. Also, discover how to maximize the ROI from events and the benefits of databases in cultivating meaningful relationships. If you're passionate about taking your business to the next level, this episode is just for you.

This is part #10 of 19 in the $100 million rainmaker mini series. 

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The Family Office Club was founded in 2007 and has now become the largest association in the industry with over 4,000 registered ultra-wealthy investors (Richard C Wilson is part owner of the Accredited Investor Podcast):

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