AM Now hosts Adam Olsen and Nicole Harger are back in the saddle, delivering this week’s most important accounting and finance stories, including:

The FTC’s recent ruling essentially banning the use of non-compete agreements in nearly all instancesThe FASB discussion on disaggregating income statement expenses, its ASC 606 post-implementation review, and feedback on financial statement measurementIFRS 19—another new accounting standard from the IASBThe SEC’s action against audit firm BF Borgers for deliberately and systematically failing to meet PCAOB audit and review standardsTwo new research projects added to the ISSB’s list of priorities

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For more on this week’s topics:

FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes

FASB: Tentative Board Decisions 05-08-24

ISSB Explores Developing New Disclosure Standards for Biodiversity, Human Capital

IASB simplifies financial reporting for eligible subsidiary companies with new IFRS Accounting Standard

SEC: Staff Statement on Issuer Disclosure and Reporting Obligations in Light of Rule 102(e) Order against BF Borgers CPA PC

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