There’s a whole other set of SEC requirements beyond your financial statements when going public, and they can be a real doozy if you’re not well-prepared going in. That’s why Embarkers Adam Olsen, Sarah Cage Richter, and Tyler Stage focused their attention on everything registration statement-related in this 4th episode of our IPO series, discussing critical topics like:

What a registration statement entailsDrafting and filing your registration statementThe SEC review and comment letter processCommon disclosure requirements, including MD&A, non-GAAP measures & pro formasSmaller Reporting Company (SRC) registration statement reliefAnd more!

For more information on IPO financial reporting requirements and related topics:

SEC Disclosure Updates & Simplifications: What You Need To KnowIPO Readiness: Accounting Challenges You May Face When Going PublicYour First SEC Filing: Get to Know the S-1The Ultimate Pre-IPO Handbook For Accounting & Finance

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