Preparing for an IPO goes miles past ‘dotting every i and crossing every t.’ Or at least it should. Because the road to IPOville is full of twists, turns, potholes, and detours, a notion we discuss at length in this second episode of our IPO series. So join Embarkers Adam Olsen, Sarah Cage Richter, and Jason Larkin for a discussion on all things IPO readiness and ensuring your organization is ready for those bright public entity lights.

For more information on IPO readiness and related topics:

The Ultimate Pre-IPO Handbook For Accounting & FinanceIPO Readiness: Accounting Challenges You May Face When Going PublicAssembling the Teams & Advisors You Need When Preparing for an IPOSPACs: What's a Special Purpose Acquisition Company?What is SOX Compliance? Requirements, Controls, Audits, & More

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