Leeroy Beeby is a co-founder of the innovative, technology-focused practice, Check The Level. He grew up in a family of small business owners and watched his parents struggle with time and money, which inspired him to establish a career in business. In this episode, Leeroy and Stuart talk about his experience living in different countries, and how his MBA helped him in his entrepreneurial journey, which later led him to start an accounting and bookkeeping firm for contractors. They also discuss technology, operations, and life-changing impact on his clients’ lives.

Together they discuss:

KPMG Capetown (1:25)Growing up in South Africa (2:15)Entrepreneurial lessons from parents (3:35)Family (5:00)Moving to Canada (6:20)Networking in Toronto (7:35)Living in Bermuda (8:15)MBA at the University of Toronto (9:50)Applying academic knowledge in real life (11:00)Streamlining around one customer (12:00)Impact of recession on construction companies (14:20)Job costing system (15:00)Check The Level business management tool (17:15)Product standalone vs software (18:55)Journey of Check The Level (21:00)Rapid growth (22:30)Making a true impact (23:30)Example of amazing client experiences (24:30)Where to next (27:20)