Is who we are determined by our genes (nature) or our upbringing and culture (nurture)? This is one of the questions that we ask ourselves in this episode of this podcast, especially when it comes to the differences between Harry and Voldemort. We also talk about how knowledge can be used as a form of currency; this can be seen in social gains and even monetary ones.

We also consider a bombshell that Dumbledore lets drop on Harry’s education: the fact that the ability to do magic can be determined by someone’s mental and/or emotional state. This gets us thinking about how Harry and Neville don’t thrive in subjects where they feel particularly vulnerable or nervous. Furthermore, how does this interact with our lived experiences? We think about the times where our abilities may have been dimmed by emotions or any mental blocks.

The question of the week is: Do you think Voldemort is a product of his nature or his nurture? Why?

Patrons get a bonus segment for this episode! This week, we’re talking about Dumbledore’s Teaching Style. Want access to this bonus content and more? Become a Patron for as little as $2/month by heading over to

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