Harry is off to the Burrow under Dumbledore’s chaperonage, but before we pop in to see our favorite red-headed family, we’ve got a side quest to complete. Yes, you read that right, Dumbledore has one more trick up his sleeve (presumably the one with complete mobility): popping in to see a professor about leaving retirement. Helene and Adri talk about politics, as per usual, but there’s one more important topic to discuss: why did Dumbledore had to say that he was headed to the bathroom?  


Patrons get a bonus segment for this episode! This week, we’re continuing our deep dive into MACUSA (part II), including bloodlines, presidents, and headquarter switching. Want access to bonus content and more? Become a Patron for as little as $2/month by heading over to www.patreon.com/acciopolitics.


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