Masculinity and invasion of privacy. What do they have in common? Chapter 24 of OotP, of course! In this episode, we talk about current news (unsurprisingly QAnon is still prevalent in our politics), Harry's journey through masculinity (and how other characters display this trait), and the invasion of privacy present in this chapter (and in the Ministry and Hogwarts, as the trace tracks students outside of school grounds).   Support this podcast by becoming a Patron: Patrons get an additional segment: What would a book about business look like if we took the Weasley twins as models of entrepreneurship? 

Masculinity and invasion of privacy. What do they have in common? Chapter 24 of OotP, of course! In this episode, we talk about current news (unsurprisingly QAnon is still prevalent in our politics), Harry's journey through masculinity (and how other characters display this trait), and the invasion of privacy present in this chapter (and in the Ministry and Hogwarts, as the trace tracks students outside of school grounds).   Support this podcast by becoming a Patron: Patrons get an additional segment: What would a book about business look like if we took the Weasley twins as models of entrepreneurship?