Follow-up on the complexity of computer science versus other fields: quotes and videos from MIT's SICP class (9:00–10:45).
The death of the iPad 2, the use of sapphire in Apple devices, sapphire versus Gorilla Glass, and the flexible LG phone.
Haunted Empire, the Jony Ive book, the Jony Ive interview, access to Apple, and hiring hacks for tech stories.
Sony's Project Morpheus VR headset and initial impressions
The Oculus Rift
Michael Abrash's blog posts:
Two Possible Paths into the Future of Wearable Computing Part 1
When it comes to resolution, it's all relative
Latency – the sine qua non of AR and VR
Raster-Scan Displays: More Than Meets the Eye
Game Developers Conference and space-time diagrams
Why virtual isn't real to your brain
Down the VR rabbit hole: Fixing judder
John Carmack and his latency mitigation strategies
Casey's birthday party as a child
Why Oculus hopes Project Morpheus is good
The GitHub hubbub, sexism, and how to get better (such as App Camp for Girls).

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